This is a simple question, but unfortunately there is no simple answer. It is theoretically impossible to have a single...
Recent Posts
What is “Relative Humidity” and How Is It Measured in Q-FOG Testers?
by Sean Fowler on Jul 21, 2021 11:02:24 AM
Humidity is a general term that describes the amount of water vapor in the air. Humidity is a critical element of the...
QUV/uvc Part IV: What Exposure Conditions Can Be Recommended for UVC Testing?
by Sean Fowler on Mar 9, 2021 11:12:26 AM
The first three parts in this series discussed what the QUV/uvc is and why it was developed, outlined two published UVC...
QUV/uvc Part III: What are key guidelines for developing UVC exposure tests?
by Sean Fowler on Feb 23, 2021 9:54:59 AM
In the last post on the QUV/uvc, we discussed two published standards with UVC exposure protocols, covering quite different...
QUV/uvc Part II: What test cycles have been published for UVC exposures?
by Sean Fowler on Feb 16, 2021 10:08:09 AM
In our first post on the QUV/uvc, we discussed why the QUV/uvc was designed and the differences between it and the QUV...
QUV/uvc Part I: What is the QUV/uvc and why was it developed?
by Sean Fowler on Jan 12, 2021 2:47:17 PM
Should I Be Concerned with Color Change or with Polymer Degradation?
by Sean Fowler on Nov 11, 2020 2:51:44 PM
This very common question is often well-meaning but can at times limit one’s understanding of weathering of materials. It’s...
Q-SUN Xe-3-HS Xenon Test Chamber Approved to Run Joint Renault Nissan standard RNES-B-00088
by Sean Fowler on Sep 16, 2020 10:42:30 AM
Q-Lab is happy to announce approval of the Q-SUN Xe-3-HS by Renault to perform testing according to the joint Renault Nissan...
Can the results of tests in two different conditions be compared?
by Sean Fowler on Sep 4, 2020 12:59:37 PM
Background: For a test in QUV we can choose between two conditions that give the same amount of total energy: Test A:...
Is the “Wet Bottom” Condition Required for the Q-FOG CRH to meet Corrosion Test Methods?
by Sean Fowler on Aug 18, 2020 10:23:43 AM
The term “wet bottom” is used in two common standards for corrosion testing - ASTM G85 and SAE J2334. ASTM G85 calls for a...